Os informamos de las próximas charlas 4/05 y 13/05

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Webinar Managing remote teams in times of crisis – Quick fix and tips

Date: 4/05/2020 – From 11:00 to 12.00

How do global threats in cybersecurity affect the Commission and how do we protect our systems? Ken Ducatel will give further details on COVID related threats and the need for secure working when many people are connecting remotely.

If you would like to join, please enroll in EU Learn, and you will receive the connection details.

Global threats in cybersecurity, with DIGIT Director Ken Ducatel

Date: 13/05/2020 – From 12:30 to 14:00

Provide a quick fix tool kit to help managers to cope with and adjust to the current crisis situation.
Get tips on how best managing entire teams remotely.

If you would like to join, please enroll in EU Learn, and you will receive the connection details. This session will be delivered via skype.